Ayurveda spices herbs and teas

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Dinacharya (Daily Routine)

  • Copper tongue scraper

    copper tongue scraper

    Use each morning to clean the ama from the tongue. It should all scrape off, and it's quite normal to have in the morning. But, if it doesn't scrape off completely, that is a sign the gunk is deeper in the tissues and there could be potential problems in the future. Please contact an Ayurvedic Practitioner.

    Buy from Kerala USA

  • nasya oil

    nasya oil

    Nasya is the practice oiling the nose. It's beneficial to warm a little oil and put a couple of drops in each nostril. I heat mine in a mug of hot water from the teapot. Lie on the bed with your head hanging off for a few minutes to allow the oil to slowly drip back. You may taste it in the back of your throat.

    Buy from Banyan Botanicals

  • CCF tea

    ccf tea

    Cumin, coriander + fennel tea is an amazing digestive tonic. It's tridoshic, so it won't overheat or dry out or increase heaviness. It will stimulate the digestive fire and help burn ama in the system. Heat the seeds in boiling water for a few minutes, put in your thermos, then sip all day on this beautiful beverage for great digestion and health.

    Buy from Banyan Botanicals

Abhyanga Oils (Daily Massage Oils)

Abhyanga is an important part of the daily routine. It's best if you can do daily, leaving the oil on for at least 15 minutes before your shower. But a few times a week, for only five minutes is better than nothing at all! Be sure to heat up all oils in glass jars before applying. I recommend getting a hotpot, filling it with some water and putting the jar of oil in to gently heat up.

  • Vata Massage Oil - Banyan Botanicals

    vata massage oil
    great for vata

    If you tend to run cold, dry, overwhelmed, are in your senior years, live in a cold/dry climate, travel a lot, don't get enough solid sleep, this might be your oil.

    Buy from Banyan Botanicals

  • Pitta Massage Oil - Banyan Botanicals

    pitta massage oil
    great for pitta

    If you tend to run hot, experience sharp headaches or migraines, have skin issues, your eyes are sensitive to the sun, notice acid reflux or sharp digestive issues, this might be your oil.

    Buy from Banyan Botanicals

  • Kapha Massage Oil - Banyan Botanicals

    kapha massage oil
    great for kapha

    If you often feel cold, heavy, watery, slow, unmotivated, clogged, anti-social, or you like to hang on to things, this might be your oil!

    Buy from Banyan Botanicals

  • Ashwagandha Bala oil for vata dosha

    ashwagandha bala oil
    great for vata

    This is a medicated sesame oil that helps the extra, super duper vata person. If you're feeling dry, light or depleted, this is your lifeline!

    Buy from Banyan Botanicals

  • Mahanarayana Oil from Banyan Botanicals

    mahanarayana oil
    great for vata

    This is a medicated sesame oil that alleviates sore muscles and joints. It's soothing and warming. If you are an athlete or love physical activities, be sure to have this on hand.

    Buy from Banyan Botanicals

  • Myaxyl Oil from Kerala Ayurveda

    myaxyl oil
    great for inflammation

    This is a medicated oil for really sore muscles and stiff joints! Great for things that have been lurking a bit and aren't just the remnants of a tough workout.

    Buy from Kerala Ayurveda